Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Updates on Chase and Cannon

My it's been awhile huh? Sorry! Anyway, just wanted to update you guys on my two little bug-a-boos. Chase has tackled almost 4 months of Kindergarten and he loves it! The progress report and report card was good. Need to work on "sight words" and his attention. That's shocking on the attention! Kidding! But she did point out he's 5 and a boy - most boys have the same issue. That made me feel better. Also she pointed out he is quite the social butterfly with the kids in his classroom. Not really surprised on that one.

Basketball started about a month ago and Chase loves it! He's actually very good at it. However, when he's supposed to practice, he's socializing with the other players. See above paragraph :)

Chase recently decided to grow out his hair. It's actually not looking that bad. What does get on my nerves just a little is the constant asking "Does my hair look like Harry Potter?" or "Does my hair look like Michael Jackson's?" And I'm not kidding on the Michael Jackson question. Ever since I played Thriller on Halloween, he's become obsessed with MJ. Following all his dance moves and is begging to see "This Is It" movie. At times it cute because he really does dance pretty well but a little weird to have a 5 year old wanting to be like MJ......

Onto Cannon. Cannon recently went from home day care to a day care facility. There are pros and cons about both but overall, Cannon really loves his new day care. At first it was tough because he went from being one of 4 to being one of 15. But he soon got over it and his teacher said he's doing great!

Cannon, like his older brother, is growing out his hair. Not too fond of his loaf. It's a lot different from Chase's. Chase's is thick and coarse where Cannon's is fine. So Cannon's hair is getting to the point of a semi-mullet. Hair cut please!

I wish Cannon is old enough to participate in sports. He gets bored at Chase's basketball practice but soon enough, he'll be right there with him.

Anyway, here is the updates! I promised I won't wait 2 months to give more updates! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful Holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY! ahahhaha-just kidding, Saundies.

    Love the updates on the boys. Delaney used to LOVE Thriller--but because of 13 Going On 30. She used to race from any room in the house if the song came on and would do the dance. Too cute.

    You gotta post pics of the Harry Potter/Michael Jackson Chase do, as well as Mullet Cannon!
